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Article: Cell Salts for Ear, Nose, and Throat

Cell Salts for Ear, Nose, and Throat

Cell Salts for Ear, Nose, and Throat


Every person and constitution is different and you should always consult with your health care practitioner about your health complaints. This is for informational purposes and does not constitute medical advice. Any ear, nose, and throat symptom should be checked by a doctor.

This information is based on homeopathic materia medica references and not accepted medical evidence. For a list of homeopathic references used, please see here.

With the change of seasons upon us and temperatures fluctuating rapidly, thoughts can easily go to the impending cold and flu season. This is the time of the year that many of us can catch a cold, our bodies need time to adjust to colder climes.

Each of the twelve cell salts can cover a wide variety of cold symptoms and can be taken in complement with other over the counter medications and vitamins that your doctor might recommend.

Here is a handy reference chart to look up each cell salts sphere of action on the ear, nose, and throat area:

Cell Salt Name

General Notes




Mucus Characteristics

#1 Calc fluor 6X



Alternating stuffed up and clear

Hot drinks better for pain and dryness

Yellow, lumpy

#2 Calc phos 6X

Great remedy for children’s complaints

Coldness, ear and throat pain

Runny in cold room, stuffed up in warm room

Sore, aching worse empty swallowing

Albuminous (like egg white)

#3 Calc sulph 6X


Hardness of hearing from blocked ears

Cold in the head with copious discharge. Alternating nostrils

Sore throat, all manner of throat symptoms.

Creamy, yellowish

#4 Ferr phos 6X

Take at the first sign.

Earache after cold or wet exposure


Redness and pain. Sore throats from overuse of vocal cords.

Thin, watery

#5 Kali mur 6X

Second stages of colds.

Chronic build-up of middle ear. Noises in the ear.

Stuffy cold with white, greyish tongue.

Sore throat. Pain on swallowing.

Whitish, ropy

#6 Kali phos 6X

Complaints come on from exhaustion and weakness of nerves.

Noises in the ear from exhaustion of nerves.

Sneezing from slight exposure to cold air.

Dry throat, desire to swallow constantly.

Fetid (stinky), excoriating (burning)

#7 Kali sulph 6X

Feel worse in the evening and in warm rooms.

Earache worse in a warm room.

Colds with slimy expectorations. Loss of smell.

Dryness with hacking of mucus.

Yellowish, slimy

#8 Mag phos 6X

Always relieved by warmth and warm applications

Neuralgic pain from cold applications.

Loss of smell without catarrh.

Spasmodic constriction of throat when trying to swallow liquids.

excoriating (burning)

#9 Nat mur 6X

Chronic catarrh with fluid, clear discharge. Hay fever-like symptoms

Cracking in ears when eating.

SNEEZING, runny nose with headache

Loss of smell, taste.

Sore throat, difficulty swallowing solid food.

#10 Nat phos 6X

Complaints accompanied by gastric upset or acidity.

One ear hot and red with gastric symptoms

Itching nose, bad smell in nose. Tension over root of nose.

Sore throat with acidic stomach

Creamy (golden-yellow)

#11 Nat sulph 6X

Complaints all worse for damp, wet weather.

Earache in damp weather.

Stuffing up of nose during change of season.

Sore throat, sensation of lump on swallowing.


#12 Silica 6X

Colds from exposure of feet.

Sensitive to loud noise, inflammation after bathing.

Itching of nose with chronic coryza.

Chronic sore throats.

Chronic, excoriating


For common dosing and cell salt protocols see here.

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